Your First Consultation

A letter of referral is required. This often comes from your GP but may also be from another Health Care Professional such as your Podiatrist, Physiotherapist or Medical Specialist. We prefer the referral is received either prior to, or at the time of making your appointment. This is so Mr Goldbloom can arrange any extra scans or obtain any other relevant information to best prepare you for your first appointment.

Mr Goldbloom will take the time to evaluate and discuss your condition. He will ensure you understand your diagnosis, and formulate a treatment plan which may involve further scans, referral to an Allied Health Practitioner or preparation for surgery.


Mr Goldbloom must be able to access all imaging and investigations related to your condition. We ask that you please bring the report or at least the details of which radiology company performed the scan and your patient ID (if applicable).

Please call the office on 03 9650 0534 or email to request an appointment. Once your appointment has been scheduled you will receive a confirmation email.

What do I need to bring?

When you arrive at your appointment you will be requested to complete a Patient Registration Form. You will need to bring the following with you:

  • Medicare Card
  • Private Health Insurance Details
  • Imaging/investigations related to your condition.
  • Reports from Physiotherapist, Podiatrist or other Specialists.
  • Information on ongoing medical conditions and current medications.
  • Details of any other Specialists that you have ongoing contact with who may need to be involved in your care.
  • Workcover and TAC patients will need to bring their claim details.